samedi 12 juillet 2014

Infographies (1) – Dix raisons d'épouser une infirmière

Pour ceux ou celles qui ne les connaîtraient pas, les « infographies » ou « graphismes d’informations » (infographics en anglais) sont des représentations visuelles épurées, souvent sous forme de graphiques, d’informations complexes (données, connaissances, etc.), censées permettre d’appréhender celles-ci rapidement. Ce billet est le premier d’une série qui sera axée sur des infographies liées aux infirmiers/ières ou à la santé. Pour celle d’aujourd’hui, le texte étant parfois un peu petit, je l’ai aussi transcrit sous l’image. Découvrez dix des raisons pour lesquelles être le/la petit·e amie·e d’un/e infirmier/ière, c’est un peu comme « gagner la loterie »(Je vous laisse trouver tout seuls les désavantages…)

10 Reasons Dating a Nurse Is Like Winning the Lottery
There are plenty of careers out there that often get labeled a nice “bonus” in dating but few can compete with nursing. Dating a nurse is like winning the lottery—sure you won’t get rich, but you'll find there are many bonuses that come with a nurse aside from a nice paycheck, too.

1. Enjoy Their Time Off
Nurses spend most of the day on their feet and socializing. This often means that they usually enjoy their tome off, especially with you.

2. Happier at Work = Happier at Home
Nurses choose this career because they want to and in turn, they love their job. Happiness at works leads to happiness at home.

3. Doesn’t Sweat the Small Stuff
When your job is to literally deal with life and death situations, you tend to not sweat the small stuff. It’s great to have a partner who won’t fall apart easily.

4. Good Temperament
Nurses are taught to be patient, not to leap to conclusions, or to act recklessly as they’re dealing with other peoples’ lives. The same mentality applies to life at home and how they handle situation.

5. Naturally Caring
Nurses want to help people and are genuinely caring people. This means they are naturally caring and good-hearted.

6. Job Security
Rarely do you hear the words “Nurse” and “laid off” in on sentence. With a nurse as your partner, you can be confident about your financial future with the stability of their job.

7. You Have a Live-In Nurse
Having a nurse for a partner has its health benefits. They can quickly give you the medical information needed for any emergency, illness, or injury.

8. Healthy Lifestyle, Stay in Better Shape
Nurses are active all day—they also tend to exercise more. They live a healthy lifestyle which is beneficial in keeping the flame going in a relationship.

9. Job Portability
Nurses are able to be a nurse anywhere, and they are needed everywhere. With this type of job, you and your nurse are free to move to another state.

10. Local Connections
Nurses tend to learn a lot about everyone in the area, and what’s happening in town. It’s nice to have a partner who will keep you in the loop!

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